Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Meal Planning on a Tuesday

Sunday was a busy day therefore meal planning for the week was not done. I did however have dinner for monday night at least accounted for. Mondays are especially important to have done and/or planned because Wally picks the kids up from daycare and I have some me time.

Right now my "me" is going through a discipleship program with my pastor's wife. I am loving the program and the time that I get to spend with her. Even though most days I am exhausted from work. It is a good time to recharge my batteries. And it is just what I need.

So, Monday - Wally and the Kids had frozen tortilla and peas. It is quick and easy for him to make. Just boil some water.
Tuesday- Orange chicken, broccoli, and quinoa

Wednesday - Venison steaks, sweet potato, and a veggie (of course)

I didn't plan any further because I really have no idea what I want to make. The plan is to go grocery shopping on Wednesday, so I will go downstairs through the freezer and see what kind of meats we have and plan for Thursday, Friday, Saturday.

Sunday - EASTER - we are having Ham, scalloped potatoes, 2 different veggies, salad, and rolls. The veggies and salad my mother and mother in law are bringing. My mother is also bringing a dessert; most likely carrot cake cupcakes.

I am in a cooking rut and really am lacking the motivation to try new things. I do enjoy pinterest for that reason, gives me a good visual or different dishes. They it is deciding whether it is kid friendly enough. Luckily my kids are pretty easy going and will eat a variety of dishes.

So what are your easter plans? My in-laws are coming up on Saturday. So we will be around doing some sort of activity I assume. My mother in law wants to plant seedlings with the kids. She asked if we were going to decorate eggs. I wasn't going to, but I know that she always does so I feel that I should do it. We don't eat a ton of hard-boiled eggs, but I guess I can make a point to eat them for that week. And I am sure that the kids will enjoy it.

Do you have any old standbys that you always fall back on?
Do you have any easter traditions? Do you decorate eggs?

Monday, March 30, 2015

Sunday Recap

Happy Monday! How was your weekend? The weekends seem to go by so quickly lately.

Saturday we had some snow, and I honestly can't remember what we did or ate during the day.

Sunday, started off with Wally getting up with the kids, so I slept in a little bit. Wally and Faelyn made some eggs for breakfast, then they headed to church in the morning. I did not go in the morning because I had a race at 11:15. I was able to clean the house and do some more laundry while the house was quiet and the kids weren't making messes at the same time.

I headed to Manchester for the Shamrock Shuffle.

It was a quick 2 mile race. There was a TON of people there. They announced that it was the largest race in Millennium Running history. I finished in 18:05. Which I was very pleased. I am getting closer to the 9:00 min/mile mark and can't want to make it into the 8's. The training is starting to pay off, it is too bad that kids were sick this week. It should be a good summer with some of the races that I have planned if this keeps up.

After the race, I headed home. The kids were already down for their afternoon naps. I decided that morning I wanted BLT's for lunch. So with the extra bacon I made baked potato soup with this recipe.
The only minor change I made was instead of 6 c. of low fat milk, I used 2 c. half and half and 4 c. of 1% milk. I think there is something to having a little bit more fat with the creamy soups.

Started with cut bacon into strips and fried that. Leave the bacon drippings for the next step.
 Add flour to bacon drippings.
 Bake potatoes. I used red potatoes because that is what I had. I had already peeled and cut them before realizing the recipe said to bake them then soup out the insides.
 6 c. of milk

 Finished Product! Looks and Tastes Delicious.
Walter ate 2 bowls! He loved it. Faelyn ate hers with a little convincing.

Happy Cooking!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Stomach Virus and Essential Oils

Good Evening every one! We have had a rough couple of days in our house hold. The stomach virus hit both my kids. It started Saturday very early morning (2 AM) with my daughter. Then 7-8 am for my son. Both my kids go to the same in-home daycare, which is mostly likely where they were exposed to the virus as the other boy that the daycare provider watches was sick Tuesday-Thursday.

Since my daughter recovered fairly quickly, her symptoms only lasted about 12 hours, I spent the majority of my day cuddling with son.

Around noon time, I was able to put him down for a nap, and I immediately went for my diffuser and essential oils. I knew I needed to do what I could to minimize this virus and avoid my husband and I getting sick as well.

THIEVES - is my weapon of choice with sickness. It is a blend of Clove, Cinnamon, Lemon, Eucalyptus, and Rosemary. Because of the nature of the blend of these oils there is an anti-bacterial, anti-microbial property.

I also added PURIFICATION oil to the mixture to help purify and cleanse the air more. It also helps neutralize odors. This is an oil that I love the smell of and have actually worn it as a perfume.

During the height of the winter season I was putting a drop of Thieve oil on both feet of our whole family to help keep us healthy. And for the most part it helped. I have to admit that I got out of the habit and wasn't doing it. Although the essential oils are wonderful and I have had a great exerpience with them they will only do so much. They may not keep you perfectly healthy but it can help recover from illnesses quicker and lessen the intensity of them.

Now everyone in our house is feeling 100% better. We are running, playing, and jumping all over the place. 

It's not that I don't love Faelyn, she has just decided not to sit still for pictures. Or continue to read books while saying "cheese" and not actually look at the camera. Oh well. I love the two of them sitting and reading books together.

Since Walter was sick he couldn't go to daycare which meant that I was home for the day. I don't mind that one bit. I took advantage of the sunshine, even though it was windy and cold and went for a run with the 2 furry babies and 2 littles in the stroller. 

Before kids I would run with the dogs. I always thought that made me run faster. But they stop and sniff and pee. I have to make sure they don't get dehydrated so I would plan certain routes I knew they could get water. And I did get faster... a little. But since having the second child I have cut even more time off my pace. Who would have thought. I have less time to run. I run more on the treadmill than I would like just to get a workout in. But I also get these stroller runs in.

What a workout man. I live on a dirt road with a gravel driveway. Only about 1/2 mile of my run was on pavement. Todays run was not very long. Mostly because I was being a baby about the cold. But it made for some serious weight training pushing this stroller with 50+ pounds of little children in it. But it is worth it. They love the ride. They sing songs. Talk to each other. And sometimes nap.

If anyone is interesting in essential oils and what they are all about feel free to email me katherine.hampton.5@gmail.com. I will answer and questions the best I can.

Have you used essential oils? What is your favorite and why?

Do you push a running stroller? Do you run with your dogs?

Hope you all have a great week!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Meal Planning - a day late...

I have been trying to doing the meal planning posts on Monday. It's a good way to start your week. I actually do my planning on Saturday or Sunday.

This week is a short week for us because the whole family is going to Harrisburg, PA for the Eastern Bison Association Conference.

Honey Mustard Chicken and steamed peas

Flouder (baked with some seasoning and probably some lemon), sweet potatoes and frozen veggies or salad

Either - BBQ chicken drumsticks or clean out the fridge.

We leave for Harrisburg in the morning. Dinner at the Conference. I am hoping to make it to this place this weekend!!

Our family uses a food service, which I have a food delivery every 5 months of frozen meats and veggies and some dried or canned goods. I love that some of my planning is done for me at this time. I am able to choose what I want. I can get foods that are pre-marinated as well, such as the Honey Mustard Chicken.