So for some of you that know me there are some major things going on in my life right now. One of the biggest things is that I'm PREGNANT! yay!
It has been an amazing adventure along theway. Baby A has run many races including: Providence Rock N Roll Half Marathon (9 weeks), Chicago Marathon (18 weeks), and RnR NYC 10K (20 weeks).
18 weeks in Chicago |
I am now 24 weeks pregnant and really starting to get BIGGER. However still feeling great. I was really blessed for not having any morning sickness, just some major fatigue that made training for all those races a chore.
24 weeks |
So on top of having a baby we are also building our new home. This is our new foundation that was just put in last week. Things are going to start moving fast. I sure am glad that my husband has got that part organized while I worry about the baby stuff.
Another picture in Chicago at Navy Pier
And the Chicago Marathon finish! It was such a great race. It got a little warm but better than freezing your butt off... which I have done before. Wally stayed with me the whole time which was awesome. Oh and by the way...he didn't train at all. Only an 8 mile run 2 weeks before. He has been working like crazy and didn't have time. We ran the Chicago Marathon for the American Liver Foundation, and he ran in place of my mom because she recently tore her ACL and was having surgery the week after. Thanks Mom!
18 weeks - Chicago Marathon Finish |
So, my goal is to start blogging on a more regular basis. It was tough before, My husband was traveling all the time, the dogs needed attention, and I was so tired, which didn't leave much more energy or time for blogging.
It's almost Thanksgiving, which means that our family will find out if we are having a
BOY or
GIRL. I made cake balls with the color inside. I'll keep you all updated.