For those of you that don't know. I <3 breakfast foods. One of my go to breakfasts would be the egg sandwich. Today I had 2 fried eggs with provolone cheese and 2 slices of toasted whole wheat bread and a few dashes of Franks Red Hot. I also enjoyed a cup of cofee... or two this morning.

After breakfast was dog walking time... I just didn't have the energy to run this morning, but at least the pups were able to get out. Tonight I work late and have a manadatory meeting afterwards so they will have a long day in the outdoor pen, at least the ran has finally stopped.
More good news... Wally and I are officially land owners! We closed on the property yesterday morning. We were also given the old deeds dating back to the early 1900's.
More updates later, Wally took the camera with him for work and I have pictures to upload and share. Including: Sheep and Wool festival and homemade dog treats.
good choice with the provolone cheese! you can't go wrong with hot sauce either!